Thursday, May 7, 2009

Technology controlling human life

1. “The new switch was patched into his Sendai with a thin ribbon of fiber optics” (74). It is unrealistic how humans in this novel are running on machinery and they are changing their parts as if it was a computer software.
2. “He could feel the micropore tape across her ribcage, fell the flat little units under it: the radio, the simstim unit, and the scrambler” (81). Molly is checking case and case was feeling on the parts of molly’s body. This passage is again describing the body parts of the human body.
3. “Case triggered his second program…” (84). This passage caught my attention, because case and molly are break all the programs and completing their missions by the help of their super powerful technology.
4. “Case flipped into the matrix and pulled the trodes from his forehead” (87). Case is getting his memory back and became totally dependent on the machinery in his body.
5. “His limbs felt cold and disconnected” (92). Case was feeling very low, he got sick because his the machinery in his body was killing him.
6. “You want you a paradise” (106). This was said to Case by the Flatline. This quote emphasis that how important it is for Case to become successful.
7. “He stood there in the center of the loft like a statue, wrapped in the dark….” (91). Armitage basically control Case and Molly and order them to do the work. He had controlled them completely .
8. “You are console cowboy. The prototypes of the programs…” (37). Cowboy is the program and Case is part of that program.
9. “His neck was brittle, made of twigs. There was a steady pulse of pain midway down his spine” (42). This was when Case got the new pancreas injected and this passage was interesting because Armitage wants Case’s help so bas that he is willing to do anything to get him fixed.
10. “A year here and still dreamed of cyberspace, hope fading nightly…” (5). Case kept having dreams about matrix and his body related to technology. But he couldn’t regain his memory.

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